>> Sunday, June 29, 2008
Well about SUPANOVA 2008 in Perth
This is the first time SUPANOVA held a convention in Perth. It was a truly amazing sight, although I would have expected more people to come since the celebrities autograph desk was really quite empty. I only knew about this a day before it actually happened, I guess it was not heavily advertised. It would have been more people if Hayden Panettiere was present but unfortunately due to circumstances it did not turn out that way. The cosplay dudes like this L (above pic)from death note looked really cool and yea really alike to =). There were many other cosplayers around but they did not match the similarities this guy had with his character.
This naruto jumper below was quite a bomb actually costing about $100 to buy, so I thought its best not to touch it haha. The whole place was filled with stuff from computer games to Japanese anime, it was really a very busy place. Replicas of Ichigo's bankai sword (Bleach)sold out in a few hours since it was priced at $40 for one.
Considering what you can get from this place its amazing, just look at the comics section its just so full of books but its a bit pricey for me on a budget =D. The entrance fee was a bit expensive though $20 for an adult and $10 for a child under 12, however if an adult pays the child under 12 is free.
I really spent a lot on this picture, I did not really see any of her shows like Stargate but I remembered her from my childhood tv series Space Cases and yes I am a Catalina Fan!!!
but its a bit sad of how they stopped producing that show and it ended in a cliffhanger. This picture was worth it $30 for my favourite character =). If you are talking about advertising, this guy really did it in the toilet(below) placing a stack of business cards visible to the men chucking a piss in that area.
Oh yea you get to test out fun games too, and get voice actors and authors of various books' autographs. Well for some of them you would have to pay a bomb. There was a giant Kon walking around as well lol.
The charity Star Wars group who would come and attend your birthday party and other functions. LOOK BELOW!!! One of those suits must have costs a bomb, since it has built in microphones to imitate the voice of stormtroopers and a battery operated fan Ohh...
At last the Gladiators, my sister and I made them do the AZN pose classic and a picture to remember always =).